An itinerary is a structured representation of all activities, meals, transports, starting and finishing locations for a tour. At the root of the itinerary, you can find information about the start and end of the trip, included meals and budget, packing lists, and images (for display purposes within your application).
Further into the itinerary, it is segmented into each day. For each day, you can find optional activities, meals, a summary, and components. Each component on a day will include a dossier of a specific type. That dossier can describe an activity that passengers will do on that day, or a transport, like an overnight train.
We recommend reading Using Itineraries For A Tour in addition to this document to help you migrate using itineraries instead of tour details.
The accommodation listed on some itinerary days aren’t necessarily the accommodation that is used on every trip with that itinerary. The accommodation components are meant to describe a representative accommodation for that day. In order to know exactly which accommodation is used on a specific trip, you need to look at the accommodation components on the specific departure or departure service that you are interested in.
Because our products change over time, you’ll find each itinerary has a list of variations. The first variation in the list is the currently valid incarnation of the itinerary and the others are past or future variations. Each variation will have at least one range of dates in which it is valid. This date range may be open-ended.
Itinerary Days
Some days in itineraries have identical content and will therefore have the same ID. The day number will be different between these days, but we recommend rolling up the identical days for display purposes, using a combined label such as “Days 2-4”. For example, take the following (simplified) days list:
"days": [
"id": "123",
"day": "1",
"summary": "Arrive at any time",
"id": "456",
"day": "2",
"summary": "Do some vacation things",
"id": "456",
"day": "3",
"summary": "Do some vacation things",
"id": "789",
"day": "4",
"summary": "Depart at any time",
An itinerary with a days list that looks like that should display in something like the following format:
Day 1: Arrive at any time
Days 2-3: Do some vacation things
Day 4: Depart at any time
Handling Multiple Itineraries¶
Each tour dossier references one or more Itineraries.
A tour dossier will reference multiple itineraries for a variety of reasons,
but generally they are to handle seasonality changes for the tour. The
itinerary for a tour can adjust per season, or due to a special event (e.g.
Carnival in Brazil). From every tour dossier, you are provided the
parameter which advices the dates that referenced
Itinerary is valid for. These should be used and applied when calculating
the appropriate Itinerary to show to the customer.
XML Schema:
Name |
Type |
Description |
id read-only |
String |
variation_id required |
String |
The unique identifier of a specific variation of this itinerary |
href read-only |
Field |
name required |
String |
A name to help disambiguate between itineraries on the same tour |
tour_dossier read-only |
Reference Object |
A reference to the tour dossier resource with which this itinerary is associated (if applicable) |
booking_companies |
Field |
The booking_company that provide this tour. |
String |
Field |
flags read-only |
Multiple Choice |
Flags ON_INCA_TRAIL, ON_LARES_TREK and CUZCO_STAY: For itineraries visiting Machu Picchu in Peru, the presence of these flags indicates that the itinerary includes hiking the Inca Trail (ON_INCA_TRAIL), hiking the Lares Trek (ON_LARES_TREK), or a stay in Cusco (CUZCO_STAY). Flag PRIVATE_DEPARTURES_NOT_AVAILABLE: By default, trips are available for use in Private Group Trips with the exception of some trips which do not have availability. The purpose of the PRIVATE_DEPARTURES_NOT_AVAILABLE flag is to indicate that a certain trip cannot be offered as a private group. |
duration required |
Integer |
The length of the tour in days |
start_location read-only |
Reference Object |
The starting location of tour |
end_location read-only |
Reference Object |
The ending location of the tour |
meals_included required |
Nested Object |
Information about the number of meals included in the tour |
Integer |
The number of breakfasts included in the tour |
Integer |
The number of lunches included in the tour |
Integer |
The number of dinners included in tour |
meals_budget required |
Nested Object |
Information about the budget for meals that are not included |
Field |
The minimum and maximum amount for meals not included, as a list of two numbers |
String |
The currency of the meal budget |
details required |
Field |
Additional descriptive details about an itinerary classified by type |
String |
The description of the itinerary detail |
Nested Object |
The classification of the detail |
String |
String |
A short descriptive label. |
String |
A unique code for this detail type |
packing_lists required |
Field |
String |
Field |
String |
A label describing the dossier this packing list is meant for |
images required |
Field |
A list of images associated with this itinerary |
String |
Field |
Nested Object |
Data about the image file |
String |
The absolute url where the image can be found |
String |
The type of the image. Can be one of “MAP” or “OTHER” |
media read-only |
Field |
highlights read-only |
Field |
valid_during_ranges required |
Field |
The date ranges when this itinerary variation is valid |
Date |
The first day of a range when this itinerary variation is valid |
Date |
The last day of a range when this itinerary variation is valid |
variations required |
Field |
The different variations of this itinerary |
String |
The unique identifier for the itinerary of this variation |
String |
The unique identifier of a specific variation of this itinerary |
Field |
Field |
The date ranges when this itinerary variation is valid |
Date |
The first day of a range when this itinerary variation is valid |
Date |
The last day of a range when this itinerary variation is valid |
days required |
Field |
The day-by-day description of the tour |
String |
Integer |
The day number within the itinerary |
String |
A location or activity based label for the day |
String |
A summary description of the day |
String |
A detailed description of the day |
String |
Additional notes, instructions or tips about the day needed when on the trip |
Reference Object |
The starting location of the day |
Reference Object |
The ending location of the day |
Field |
Included meals for this day |
String |
The type of the included meal. Can be one of BREAKFAST, LUNCH or DINNER |
String |
An optional description of the included meal |
Field |
A list of component (activities and transports) for the day |
String |
The type of the component. Can be one of ACCOMMODATION, ACTIVITY, TRANSPORT or FREE_TIME |
Reference Object |
The starting location for this component |
Reference Object |
The ending location for this component |
String |
A summary description of the component |
String |
A detailed description of the component |
String |
Additional notes, instructions or tips about the component needed when on the trip |
Nested Object |
A reference to an accommodation dossier resource for the component (if applicable). This is a representative accommodation for that day of the itinerary, and as such is not necessarily the accommodation used for all departures |
String |
Field |
String |
The name of the accommodation |
Nested Object |
The type of this accommodation |
String |
The code for the property type |
String |
The human-friendly label for the property type |
Reference Object |
A reference to an activity dossier resource for the component (if applicable) |
Reference Object |
A reference to a transport dossier resource for the component (if applicable) |
Reference Object |
A reference to a transport leg dossier resource for the component (if applicable) |
Nested Object |
The duration of this component |
String |
The minimum duration of this component expressed as a decimal number |
String |
The minimum duration of this component expressed as a decimal number |
Integer |
The distance of this component (in kilometers) |
String |
The starting time of this component (in hh:mm format) |
String |
The ending time of this component (in hh:mm format) |
String |
The time period of the component. Can be one of MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING of FULL_DAY |
Boolean |
Flag to indicate if the transport component is continuing overnight into the next day |
Field |
A list of optional activities for the day |
Nested Object |
A reference to an activity dossier resource for the optional activity |
String |
Field |
String |
The name of the activity |
site_links |
Field |
Itinerary-related links pointing to |
String |
The classification of the link. Possible values: * DETAILS * OVERVIEW * PRICING * DETAILS_PDF |
String |
The fully qualified URL of the site link. |
publish_state |
Choice |
The state or online status of this itinerary |
ripple_score |
Nested Object |
The Ripple Score for an Itinerary. This is calculated based off the amount of money that stays locally. The score ranges between 0-100 |
Integer |
The Ripple Score for a specific Itinerary |
Date |
The first day of a range when this score is valid |
Date |
The last day of a range when this score is valid |
Get an Itinerary
- GET /itineraries/(string: itinerary_id)/¶
Get an Itinerary Variation
- GET /itineraries/(string: itinerary_id)/(string: variation_id)/¶